Friday, March 20, 2009

Notes on the "unpolished writing" tag.

As you may have noticed, a lot of entries have the "unpolished writing" tag. As you may have also noticed, a lot of this blog is shit. The two aren't necessarily related, sure, but they're supposed to be. "Unpolished writing" means that I finished the entry in one sitting and remain highly unsatisfied with it. It will be taken off when I have corrected or added or omitted whatever. After that, the only excuse I have left for the shittiness is my lack of talent.

1 comment:

Manny Furious said...

I think I tend to be in the minority, because I often times find the unrefined writings a bit more honest....

But yeah, "honesty" does not a good piece of writing make...for most people, including those who "matter."

I wouldn't worry too much about it. Even your worst posts are better than the vast majority of crap I see on the 'net....