Sunday, December 21, 2008


I'm looking at the two pieces I have posted here, and the two I have saved on my computer...and I think that they all suck to varying degrees. It's not that the ideas are terrible, I actually think that some of them are rather clever. It's not that the writing is terrible, I mostly cross my t's and dot my i's. It's just that the whole style is very mediocre. It's hackwork. It's not good enough to do what I'd like it to do, and it's not bad enough that I can learn from it. I just don't know what to fix, honestly.
I get online every couple of hours to look through what I have, or to try and find inspiration for something new. It never works out quite the way I want it to. I fix a few words, say something differently, even expand on my ideas, but I can't escape the fact that the more I look at my work, the more it sickens me. I don't know why I keep doing it, is it attention? Is it stress relief? Boredom?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's probably attention. But nothing wrong with that! And if you ever feel bad, pick up the nearest literary classic and look at it, really look at the way it's written. Chances are - unless your taste is astounding and godlike - it's going to look rubbish. Look at anything too carefully, and it'll turn out to be rubbish.

Especially Virginia Woolf.

Go forth and write, you Blogger.